Nextdoor is the private social network site for your neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods. Nextdoor is the best way to stay in the know about what's going on in your area.
People are using Nextdoor for:
Give away free items
Quickly get the word out about a break-in
Organize a Neighborhood Watch Group
Track down a trustworthy babysitter
Find out who does the best paint job in town
Ask for help keeping an eye out for a lost dog is a relatively new social network designed to help neighbors engage and interact. Sites like Facebook are great for connecting with friends and colleagues, but important announcements like recent crimes or neighborhood events posted to Facebook can get lost in the stream of posts unless you check your wall regularly.
Nextdoor provides a safe online medium for neighbors to interact and engage with one another from their own computers or smart phones. By maintaining small, neighborhood-centric networks, it prioritizes announcements that may be important to you and your neighbors. Registration takes a couple minutes and uses your address to determine which neighborhood network you will be a part of. Chapparal has a Nextdoor page.